Wednesday, April 30, 2008
History of Camera-lism

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Question: Why do Smokers smoke?
Friday, April 25, 2008
What Are Old Friends?
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Never Say Doesn't Mean Anything
Many a times, I get questions on whether am I having a good time as an overseas student in Australia. Well for one, the only possible thing I like over here is the cheap beers.
Other than that, I detest the lifestyle, the endless assignments, the countless reports and the fact that the cheapest prata here is priced at $10 bucks. Perhaps the prata comes with free diamonds, I never had the chance to find out.
I hardly talk about my school work; not because I don't have any. But rather for the sole reason that I am constantly revolving myself around assignments and while I have the chance to blog, I certainly want to stay away from those moments for a while.
The chance of me opening up the Microsoft Words or Excel is higher than seeing me watch porn on a daily basis - I am that busy with work.
The fact that I can't wait to graduate has also been rebuked by many people. Statements like "No you will miss your student's life" and "You will realise how fun being a student is once you start work", has done nothing but making me think that guy is an arse.
I don't think any engineering students will say they enjoy life as a student. What's so fun about memorizing endless formulas, holding the calculator more often than I hold my dick and writing reports as if I'm electing myself as the President - the truth is, NOT FUN AT ALL!
As quoted by one of my fran, "Singaporean guys really have things tough."
You see, now I am 25. Honestly, if I take a look at my CPF account, I think even the piggybank of a 5 year old would have more digits than me. It's not like I didn't do any work during my vacations. It's just that none of them contributes to my CPF account.
At 25 and still not working, I do feel ashame of myself at times. Ok, all the time. Maybe you have your own views, that's your problem. I am an idiot. I have mine.
To give a little background, I came out from Primary School at 12, and as usual entered secondary school at 13 and attained my O's at 16. After that went poly for like 3 years and serve my nation at 20. Upon ORDing, I came straight to Australia at 23. You see, even though I was fortunate enough not to be retained at any period of my schooling life, I am still just an undergraduate at an age of 25.
Plus, being born with a dick, it means I carry the responsibility to save up for things like my marriage and my future family, as well.
That is why I can't wait to start on my career. 18 years of non-paid life is enough. I want to start earning money and for once, give money to my parents on Chinese New Year instead of the other way round.
3 more months...
3 more months before I graduate and a managerial position at perhaps KFC will be my first stepping stone towards my enterprise. Behold!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Presentation, Conquered
Prior to my presentation this morning, I took note of the fact that in order to perform at my best, I should rest early the night before. So at exactly 11pm yesterday night, I found myself switching off my lights and lying on my bed.
1130pm: Ok, I wonder how the presentation will be tomorrow morning.
12am: Great, I can feel myself falling asleep soon as long as I can get the ah chek who stays next door to stop his coughing.
1am: This is weird. The coughing has stop, his snoring has begun, I am still not falling asleep.
2am: I have counted 1000 sheeps, not including the fact that I restarted my counting 3 times as I lost track of the number of sheeps in the farm.
3am: Is the clock on my handphone spoilt? How come it reads 305am now?
4am: Is the sun rising? I think even with my degree of myopia, I am seeing some trails of sunlight coming from my window. And I am suppose to wake up at 6am.
And yes, I did fell asleep after that, literally knocking myself out with my fist.
6am: NiNahBeh. Why so fast?
I arrived in Uni in my neatest shirt, most trendy tie, in fact the only tie, greyest pants and blackest black shoes ever. Somehow, I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be, at least from what I assumed to be.
The whole event lasted from 8am till 5pm. And Yours Sincerely, was the 2nd presenter. Presenting early in the morning has its pros and cons. Well for one fact is that most for the students will still be suffering from 'why the fuck do i have to wake up so early' syndromes. So as a result, most of them do not give a damn on what you are presenting, prefering to speculate on what's installed for morning tea instead.
But guess what? I suffered from that syndrome as well and coupled with the lack of sleep, I almost couldn't last through my 12 min of presentation. Even my supervisor commented after that, "What happen to you? You sounded so energetic for the first 4 min. Yes, only the first 4 min. After that you sound like you are dying."
In fact, I am.
Ladies and Gentlemen, this has once again emphasize the importance of having enough sleep prior to raging on a self-proclaimed war. Anyway, I am glad that the presentation has finally ended.
I think I should consider electing myself as the President. On my first day upon the royal desk, I will make sure I bar all presentations. Presentations should never be hold in public. You can do it at home with your girlfriend or whoever, I don't care.
On a side note, despite donning on my best presentation attire albeit the only attire, I was hurt emotionally when my friends say I look like Ah Pek.

Seriously, in what way do I look like an Ah Pek?

I even went through the efforts of putting on my victory ankle-socks. You guys just don't appreciate the beauty of ankle socks. Pffttttttt.
Anyway, the Asians whom are in the same final year as me. Comprises of Singaporeans, Malaysians, more Singaporeans, more Malaysians, and an extra Hongkie. Lol.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
They Have Too Much Time
Thursday, April 10, 2008
My Balls Are Shrinking, Yet Again
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Fuck This is Creepy
What Ziqiang Means |
You are incredibly wise and perceptive. You have a lot of life experience. You are a natural peacemaker, and you are especially good at helping others get along. But keeping the peace in your own life is not easy. You see things very differently, and it's hard to get you to budge. You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. People see you as a complete enigma, and only you truly understand who you are. You spend most of your time introspecting and seeking truth. You're a very interesting person... but not many people know you enough to realize it. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life. You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone. Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs. |
I live my life in denial and I only focus on words which are either pleasant to my eys or ears =)
Other than "You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy" which is TOTALLY NOT TRUE, the rest pretty up sums up my 25 years of life.
You wana touch my girlfriend's butt?
Sure! Go ahead man!
In fact, touch her boobs as well. Its bouncy!
See, I am not easily jealous whatttttt...
Monday, April 07, 2008
Saturday, April 05, 2008
The Truth About Her
But the first time when we actually met was through the internet. And in actual fact, she was every single bit of how pretty I imagined her to be. Seriously for a moment, I knew I had to make her mine.
And so like a curious cub, I ravaged through the internet, finding any bits and pieces of information about her, and then joining up these scattered bits like how I did when I broke my father's vase.
I had sleepless nights because of her. And even in the event I do get to sleep, all I could dream of, was her.
Eventually, we finally met in real life. I was estactic.
I held her in my arms and one thing for sure, and that I knew was, this time it's for real. She is here.
I love the feeling of having her in my hands and the ability to see through her. I like the way when she focus, everything becomes real.
So yes, for the second time in my life, I fell in love.
She is Miss Nikon D40. Perhaps you are wondering why I am addressing it as a her instead of him. The reason is because she has one thing I wished for in a girl. To shut up.
And so today, we went for a date in the city cause I was just so eager to find out more on what she can do.
Technically, it is also a first time for me, from holding a normal "point & shoot" camera to a Digital SLR camera.
This is the famous, ok maybe not so famous Brisbane City Casino, Conrad. My friends call it Uncle Conrad because of their respect for him. They never manage to win money from him. Ever.
Crossing a bridge, I set foot upon Southbanks where I can have a overlook on the city of Brisbane.
The coolest part about Southbank is that they have this artificial beach. I mean the beach itself wasn't really cool. But how often do you see girls clad in bikini hanging in the city? This is called Mini Paradise.
Just to clarify myself, I am not a horny bastard. I am just well-taught by my mother on the art of appreciating beauty.
I happen to met John while I was busy snapping pictures. He was there happily smoking, and not for a single moment noticing that I was taking his pictures as well.
By the way, I do not know John at all. I just happen to see this guy in his 50's smoking. He looks like he is called John, so yeah, there goes his name.
Perhaps now you know why Aussies are more open. Public bondage sessions amuses everyone. Even the kids.

And then there was this street artist who performs his talent by sculpting sand. I didn't manage to wait till he finish his end product. Cause seriously since young, I derive my definition of joy from destroying other kids' sandcastles.

I saw this kid eyeing at the coins in the chap's briefcase. I had my handphone in my hand. Just In Case.

Every robbery has to have a watcher. Who could be more suspicious than a girl dressed in shirts 2 sizes larger than hers.

Anyway soon it was time for me to head back to Brisbane City where I was meeting some of my mates to have dinner with. On my way back, I couldn't help but took a picture of this guy. He was crying.

As I was crossing the bridge, I thought a typhoon was hitting Brisbane. The wind was damn fucking strong. And boy, had I wished the wind was stronger cause perhaps if it was......

... I would have been able to see the colour of her undies.
Maybe my grandfather was watching from above and was damn pissed at me watching ang moh karcheng. My GLASSES ACTUALLY FLEW to the road (left of picture) because the wind was just too strong.
It is in times like this when I actually thank the fact that I have been though NS where the occurence of SOC training was more frequent than my Platoon Sergeant smiling at me.
I leaped across the railing with ease and save my sunglasses. 20.bucks.saved.
Headed over to my former workplace where my friends were still doing closing for the shop. My life as a former sandwich boy.

I think you are getting sick of this entry.
Cause I am.
Bla bla bla, I went to this place to have my dinner. Eat, nice, go home, bye.

Thursday, April 03, 2008
I Might Be Joking Afterall
9 out of 10 times, they don't believe a single word I say. The other one time when they eventually believe was when I said I look pregnant.
In the previous post which I wrote about visiting South NZ, as anticipated by Yours Sincerely, millions and millions of my friends were like virtually screaming in MSN, "DON'T LIE! Must be April's Fool right?"
I wonder what makes them think that I was trying to pull a trick on them. Besides, to me, everyday is potentially April's Fool Day. If you add the number of times you visit the toilet daily to the number of times you shower, and square it with the number of lies you tell each day, the number is infinite. That is how often I get conned.
Anyway, let's take it as I was just pretending about the trip and since being the oh-i-am-such-a-boliao-fucker, I shall now write a post on my up-to-date findings for this trip.
Below shows the caravan which I would most probably be renting. We decided that this roadtrip shall just consist of no more than 4 people, and no lesser than 4 people.
Fuck, let's just make it a 4 person trip.
Well you probably can't see it, but deep in the jungles of this caravan lies 4 beds, one kitchen and one shower/toilet. I wrote shower/toilet cause technically, there is only one shower in it. But hey, who says you can't pee in the shower room right?
Anywhere will do as long as there is a drain. Total rental cost for this caravan for 9 days will amount to approximately SGD $1000. Just in case you are a medical or pharmicist student and is currently like awing "wtf why's it so expensive" cause you have long thrown simple calculations back to your teacher, this amounts to around SGD$ 250 per person for the whole 9 days. And I hope you are not dumb enough to not realise caravan acts as both transportation and accomodation.
So basically, these are the few places which I have added to my impromptu itineary list