Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Its been a few days since I last update my blog. Guess its about time I clear away some of the dusts or not I guess it will rot before I go back Singapore.

Currently at the balcony of the Dwarfs Hut smoking away while typing away my blog. Today I went to the city and bought a cap. Buying a cap is always a easy case; for people with small heads.

But as friends who knows me know the fact that Yours Sincerely is blessed with a rather humongous slightly bigger head than normal Earthlings, so choosing a cap that suit me wasnt really an easy case.

I tried almost every brand, every design of the cap on the shelf before I finally settled one that was catered for people with big heads like me. How friendly Australians are I think, they actually have caps that fit my head.

The reason I needed a cap was cause my hair is now getting long & flowy. It will be rather irritating to apply gel everytime I go out, quite a hassle. Imagine I just wana go out for a coffee session or what and I gotta apply gel each time. I wouldnt wanna scare the old folks in my area.

Ok, time to have a relax smoke and chatting session with the Dwarfs. They are out to disturb me.

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