Monday, July 28, 2008

First Day

After weeks of unexplained disappearance, I am back to blogging. Many a times I type in words, but never full sentences cause I have seriously not much to update.

Just that today is special cause it is the first day of my first ever full time work at a local engineering company. Honestly I did nothing much today, except for warming up the chair, photocopying stuff, and perhaps brainstorming for ideas to decorate my first ever own working space.

In my previous jobs, if you even consider them as jobs, I never had my own stuff, not even my own pen.

Actually, what really surprised me is the astonishment of how people can stand taking the MRT to work early in the morning. Despite their age, those aunties and uncles do such a good job pushing me that they could surely qualify as outstanding fullbacks if they were to ever play American football.

I mean come on, I know you want empty seats and I am definitely not one who will fight with you cause being the typical courteous me, I am always the first to volunteer my seat to pregnant women, as well as the elderly. And no, I don't give up my seat to fat women.

The reason is simple, I once gave up my seat to a rather huge size lady. Before that, I was struggling with the fact of whether she is pregnant, or she just have a huge stomach. I chose the former so guess what?

I unintentionally made her embarrass when she told me she is not pregnant. I decided I shall hurt no big girls from now on.

And throughout my entire MRT experience, I reckon pregnant women and elderly are the best cure for insomnia. People who are furiously punching away on their PSP falls asleep right away when they see one deemed suitable as "Give your seat up to me".

Seriously pregnant women and the elderly are so effective against insomnia that I reckon they should apply for a patent for those who find it hard to sleep.

All right, off to sleep I go. I hate waking up at 6am.


yanz said...

surprie surprise...
yup here im back again..
n im gonna disappear now..
take care..

The One They Proclaimed Qiang said...

and now thats a double surpise