Friday, November 02, 2007

Mirrors Dont Lie

I recieve a certain shock this morning.

While looking in the mirror, I saw something different with my porcelain body.

Do I have 3 nipples? I think I saw 3 nipples.

I must be having a bad dream or perhaps due to the fact I just woke up, I am still lagging behind in my common senses.

Rubbing my eyes, I inched my nipples nearer to the mirror and took a closer look.

Fuck, I really have 3 nipples. Well, it looks like I almost had 3 nipples. In actual fact, it was just an overgrown pimple sticking just below my left nipple.

You can imagine the massive capacity of that oversized pimple for me to actually mistaken it as my 3rd nipple. Its fucking HUGE.

I took a picture of it to show you guys below.








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