Sunday, July 25, 2004

"Everyday when you return from your school, you would probably think that school sucks.

But think about this, i mean really think. All the time spent with your classmates, all the laughter, sorrows, and happiness of knowing that your friends are there in your class.

Now imagine them gone, perhaps part of them or even all of them.
You may not realise it, but when advancing into the next level of education, it is inevitable that some friends will be parting with you. Not knowing when you still see them again.

Perhaps the next day, the next week, month, years, or even decade.

Perhaps one day, you would realised how bitter sweet those memories were, the fun you had with your classmates and friends.

That is why ever so often when you asked someone which is the most fond memories they had in their years in education, they would often have that sadness in their eyes, but yet, they smile briefly.

It's the memories of their school friends. Those unforgettable years of laughter and happiness in school.

So treasure your schooling days, because you never know when you will miss them dearly. And perhaps, shed a tear for those treasured times in your youth."

                                                                                    --------- Contributed by Peihe aka Wendy


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