Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My Mighty Mouse

Slogging off like a cow, my Sandwich Boy job finally paid off.

I bought a mouse through Ebay a week ago and the mouse's worth was equivalent to approximately 2 hours of my job.

But I am very happy. I love my Mighty Mouse.

Not only is it a cordless mouse, the designs are ergonomic which means it fits perfectly into my C cup size hands. Plus, it acts as a remote control for my Media Player program. This means I can change music while shitting at the comfort of just pressing my Mighty Mouse.

Adding on to its user friendly features are the sleek design that Mighty Mouse has to offer. I simply love the blue light it gives off when you press any button on it.

I am so gonna sleep on my bed tonight holding my mouse in my hand =)


Anonymous said...

does that also mean you can watch your favorite porn on bed and do the necessary with your mighty mouse without the need to get off bed?..haha

Good luck to your thesis.


Anonymous said...

wa no wonder u my bro. damn smart. can read my move.
