Monday, April 23, 2007

The Trouble-Looking Staff

Today was fridge-stock replenishing day. Ok that sound too glamourous a word. I shall just say that today is just another day that I shopped for my groceries.

Together with Mr Chinese who cant speak chinese, we headed to the Coles supermarket that is just beside my house.

Cut the story short, he wanted to get some ham and therefore we proceeded to the.... I am not exactly sure the name of that section. But basically it is the frozen food area where there are staffs standing behind this glass mirror thing, getting whatever you want and weighing them.

We stood infront of the glass panel, while Mr Chinese was carefully selecting each single piece of ham before this female staff, Miss Mole on the lips came and serve us.

Miss Mole :" Hows it going? How can I serve you?" (Another 'hows it going' question~ NB, I walked here)

Mr Chinese : " Em.. Can I have 3 pieces of the beef ham please?"

Miss Mole : " Oh you mean 3 slices? No problem Sir."
It was pretty funny. Not only does Mr Chinese Who Cant Speak Chinese cant speak chinese, his english is terrible too.

After taking the meat, we took another walk around the market, for the 6th time. I knew because I saw the eggs section for the 6th time.

After one big round, we came back to the frozen food area again. Mr Chinese feels like buying some fish this time. Concidently, Miss Mole came to serve us again.

While it really isnt much of a coincidence since she was the only staff at the counter.

Knowing his previous mistake, Mr Chinese was smart this time. He learnt this time.
And so he spoke: "Hi again Miss Mole, can I have 3 slices of the fish meat over there?"

Miss Mole: "Oh you mean 3 pieces of fish meat?"


I do hope you are laughing now~

Damnnn. I am a loser...

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