Sunday, April 01, 2007


It is a Sunday, and yet another meeting with Taisa has gone past. Today was picture taking day.

Picture taking day as in all members wore their uniform and we took turns to take, of course, pictures. But kinda ironic thing is that not all committee members turned up so it is really lame.

I am really looking forward to next week events. Firstly, we will have a committee potluck at a friend's place.

When I first heard the word potluck, seriously I was thinking what the fuck does it mean. It was later then I realise it means cooking a dish of your own and bring it over to a friend's place. No wonder I find it weird how come whenever we had a so-called potluck event at a certain place, I am required to bring my own food. Duh~~~

And the biggest event ever since I came Australia!! I will be goin over to Fraser Island next Monday to Tuesday with one of my *Tugly housemate and a group of friends of round 10 peeps.

*Tugly - Refers to an invidual who is thing and ugly.

He calls me Fugly. Well, it means fat and ugly. So we are sorta of even up over here wahahahha.

In any case, I am really looking forward to this trip. Since last semester when I saw pictures of Fraser Island, I have been absolutely dying to go there. Dying so much to go there that whenever there is a holiday in between school term, I will ask my friends whether anyone is interested in going. We did plan, we did talk, but we did no action.

So always in the end nothing was done. This time round, the trip was organised by a fellow Singaporean. Fraser Island, you tell me lah, how can I turn down this opportunity right??

This is just a random picture of Fraser Island. I swear I am going to bring my very faithful, very reliable, very user-friendly, very expensive (to me) Canon Ixus 800i and snap every possible thing that exist in Fraser Island.

But I have a price to pay for going over there too. For the next 3 months, I am gonna have to scrimp and save for the ticket I pay over to that place. But I bet everything will be worthwhile......


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