Wednesday, June 20, 2007

It Has Been a While..

Finally, after four months of patient awaiting, another semester is over, another transition of torturing gone.

Exams are finally over. Give me a big SIGH please!

Hold on for a minute while I remove my ear phones. My smile is touching my ears.

Yesterday night while indulging ourselves in studying at the Dwarfs' Hut, we had a sudden thought of a game.

We playing Cua Dai Dee. It was not just another day of normal-playing Cua Dai Dee. The punishment was harsh. The punishment was siao one.

The losers will have to stand outside at the balcony; with their shirts removed.

Well, the punishment wouldn't have be that bad if it wasn't 14 degrees with strong wind blowing.

Excuse me, I need to go get some tissues for my nose...

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