Friday, October 27, 2006

Eye Small Small, Ball Big Big

I am sleepy. I am tired. I am small small eyes and big big balls now. Still in the midst of rushing the my final report for this semester.

Remember the module which I said me and the Dwarfs got to come up a design of a car? Yeah, we are doing that crap now. So tired. Literally walking zombies everywhere in the Dwarfs' Hut now. Show you all a sneak preview of what we did hehehe.

TA DAH~~ This is the result of our great work. Small nice cute little car. Just nice for a Smurf to fit inside it.

By the way, do you know how to pronounce chassis?

If you are pronouncing it as chey-sis, then welcome to my clan. We were given a good laugh by the ang mohs when we first said that.

I dont know why but ang mohs call it share-si.

I shall bear with it. I am in their country, so I can only tahan my anger when they laugh and say "You stupid chinki~ It's called share-si"

Wait till they go Singapore.

"Do you sell any share-si?"

"Share-si your la*ji*o lah! It's called chey-sis ok. Dumb Ang Moh"


Anonymous said...

huh... so poor thing!
quickly come back lah...

The One They Proclaimed Qiang said...

u and ur flower again. cant u jus write ur name properly wahahaha. huiqing very bad name meh?

ya quite bad..