Monday, October 02, 2006

My Another First Time

Today is another day for 4 million people to rejoice. I got my 1st hair cut in Australia.

Stepped into the "Uni Salon" that is situated in my campus with a heavy heart. I was nervous. I took another look at my hair in the mirror cause who knows, 10 min later I may leave the saloon with a Valderrama hair.

Australians like to open a conversation with anybody "Hows it going?"
Basically what they meant was to ask how is your day.

Anyway I remember the 1st time I heard this was when I was taking a bus to a local shopping center and the bus driver greeted me with this Hows it going thingy.

I paused for a while then replied.... "Duh.. By bus?"

Ok anyway back to the saloon. As I was saying, I took a final look at my hair in the mirror before I was shown to a seat.

"Hows it going?"

I am not so stupid this time.

"Oh my day was great. And it is further delightened when I know I am going to get my hair cut by you."

Just in case you got mistaken, I wasnt trying to hook her up or something. Just some conversation skills I horned up here in Australia.

Back in Singapore, getting a haircut was easy. Say "slope and cut a bit hair here and there" and Singaporean barbers will understand.

But here, after she greeted me with Hows it going, she followed by a sentence of clippers or scissors?

What the fuck? I thought they come together. Luckily being a True Singaporean At Heart, I was equipped with fucking-the-not-bad-situation-analysis skills so I figured out her clippers must be refering to whether I want a slope and scissors means I jus want to have a normal side.

I chose scissors. No clippers I told her.

Oh by the way, I forgot to mention I specially wore my daily disposable contact lenses instead of glasses today for this hair cutting occasion.

Because at least if my hair was to end up like Valderrama, I wanted to at least witness the whole process of how it ended up like him.

Well in case you dont know, I have quite a high degree of myopia and I cant see no shit without my glasses.

Throughout the cutting of my hair, she will keep asking me questions like Oh so you want cut it this way or that way, so is this length ok, so you want cut the fringe and etc...

So at the end of the day, my hair was like something which I designed myself.

For those friends who dont know me well, just want to tell you that, me, Yours Sincerely, is fucking bad at designing things :(


Anonymous said...

take some pictures of your new hair le. we want to see in spore. post in your next blog for a good hearty laugh back home!..

Looking forward...

Anonymous said...

sori. i dont intend to post my 'hearty' hairstyle pics in blog hahahaa... wait long bah

Old Beng said...

Ugliness has nothing to do a person´s hair :p

Anonymous said...

wahahaha.. 没礼貌!

Anonymous said...

post some pics...i tink it wont look worse than yr curly

Anonymous said...

haha see my mood. dont tink i will be posting. this is an anonymous blog ya know wahahaha