Monday, October 16, 2006

I Hate Cutting Fingernails

I hate cutting fingernails. Why must we have fingernails? And guess what?

I hate guys who keep long fingernails on their last finger. I know it's called pinkie, I deliberately dont want to call it pinkie. Cause pinkie sounds so girly.

Anyway, I always find it a hassle to cut my fingernails. I like to keep it short. Some may deabte say keep fingernails good what. can open coke or sprite easily. Yeah I know that. I do not have much problem opening can drinks with my short fingernails too.

Cause even if the can drink doesnt open through the conventional way, I will make sure it opens using brute force. Trust me, I got plenty. But overall, I am still a Gentle True Singaporean At Heart.

I cant really think of any good points for keeping long fingernails. Since there is laser for permanent hair removal, is there any laser treatment for permanent fingernail removal?

I suggest we pull the whole fingernail out leaving just the flesh exposed. Cool right?

And one thing I really really hate about fingernails. I always have this phobia that associates chalkboard with fingernails. When I was just a little boy, I used to imagine the horrid noise it creates if you were to scratch your nails against the chalkboard..

EEEeeeekk.. I am having goosebumps now.

Hey what! Fat people got goosebumps too ok~

And besides, I dont use my fingernail to dig my nose too. Cause with or without, I still can dig using my finger. Tsk.

Digging nose is a luxury. The feeling is quite similar when a woman orgasms. I suppose...

Digging nose is shiok. Digging nose is an Art that requires years of horning one's skills. Just a suggestion to everyone out there. If you dont want to have big nostrils, next time dig your nose using ur pinkie.

Reason is simple. Lets compare digging your nose with your thumb or your pinkie. Overtime, do you think your nostrils will have a wider circumference if you have been using your thumb?

For those who have been thinking eee eee eee while reading this entry. Dont act as if you dont dig your nose.

9 out of 10 people that I know digs their nose regularly. The other died of respiratory problems. Apparently his nose was clogged up with Pi Sai.

Speaking of which, what is the weirdest friend you have? I know of one particular fran that till now I rank him as Number 1 weird guy.

I caught particular guy in action "LIVE" once in class. Apparently particular guy was digging his nose (Dont ask me why I am looking at him digging his nose). Particular guy took his finger out and even from where I was sitting, I could see that it was obvious there was green Pi Sai on his pinkie.

Next, before I know, particular guy popped that bloody same finger INTO HIS MOUTH AND TASTED IT!!


Gross BIG time!

Lucky that happen when I was way much younger. I think particular guy has quit that habit now.

I hope..

Amida Buddhism opened up Buddhism in Japan to all classes. Where heretofore Buddhism had been exclusionary to woman and lower classes, the spread of Pure Land philosophy allowed a democratic and inclusionary blossoming of Buddhism throughout Japan.


Old Beng said...

One permanent way to solve your fingernails problems: chop off all your fingers wahahahahahah!!!!

Anonymous said...

CANNOT! If i chop off my fingers, I got no fingers to dig my nose anymore!

Anonymous said...

u r definitely bored.. funny but bored..

Anonymous said...

You NOTICED I AM BORED? Is it so obvious?
