Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Oh shit, I am having one of those moments of Why-the-fuck-do-I-have-to-quit-smoking thoughts. Just have this strong urge now to grab a cigeratte, light it up and lubricate my throat that is crying now. Well, at least I feel it crying.

Now I know why so many smokers are eventually still smokers, cause they never succeed in quitting. I am getting a feeling that I will be like them soon. This feeling is big time shit~

You know something I hate about those parents that are smokers?

They will be like "Oh Ah Gal/Boy ah, dont smoke you know? Bad for your health.", while happily puffing away that cigeratte in their mouth.

In my family, because my parents doesnt smoke, my brother and I decided to do them proud by smoking ourselves.
Talk about filial piety and bringing glory to my family, dont we just bring a smile to their face. Even my grandparents will climb out of the grave and give me 2 thumbs up!

Ok, I sidetracked again. This is really sucky~ Why did I backside itchy and start this stupid quit what fuck smoking?
Cigerattes are actually same price as in Singapore so why did I backside itchy~~~

明天就买包香烟来 :)

Ok I am just kidding.

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