Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A Quick Add on

Just a quick add on. As boring as I am now, I am actually reading my blog all over again. It's a really nice thing to keep a blog. I was looking at the old entries and was like constantly "Wa I forgot this thing happen before. oh how come it happen?"

Some entries I was also thinking like "How come I so childish? Must be that time too young lah."

Well that was just a year ago.

The style of my blogging has really changed a lot.

Anyway the reason why I suddenly felt like posting an entry again was because I stumbled upon an old entry of mine which sent me bursting out in laughter. Well, at least to me it was funny.

In the entry I was talking about army and then suddenly I gave an example between army 30 years ago, present army and future army.

30 years ago Army

Soldier X: "Wa laoz, c peh siong leh. carry tree trunk run here run there. still must carry cupboard from the bunk to parade square for standby bed. evryday can clock up a total of 400-500 push up. Rice taste like screws. soup taste like water. meat taste like rubber."

Present day Army

Soldier Y: "Wa laoz, c peh siong leh. bo tai bo ji wan standby bed in bunk. must open cupboard again. everyday do 200 push up liao stil not enough. luckily rice taste like rice. soup taste like soup. meat taste like meat."

Future Army

Soldier Z: "Wa laoz, c peh siong leh. cannot watch teletubbies today. kfc not open. cinema also not open. 5 months no do push up then suddenly ask us do 10 today. now my hands sore loh~"

This was the particular quote from that entry which send me laughing.

And then there was this classic poem which I dont know how the fuck I was able to come up with.

吃饱饱 精神好 咱来一起吵一吵

小吵没烦脑 中吵身体好 大吵练头脑

妈妈吵 爸爸吵 朋友也来凑热闹

吵一吵 吵了吵

肚子忽然又不饱 咱来去吃吃煮炒

餐厅好热闹 要等吃煮炒

等呀等 受不了

等到新年要来到 终于菜单才来到

点一点 叫一叫

叫到小姐“动 buey diao”



妈妈吵 爸爸吵 朋友吵 这次多个小姐参一角

吵一吵 吵了吵


等呀等 Kok Kok Tan


想一想 即然有四角 咱去打麻将

东西排一排 就把麻将撒满卓

天胡 地胡 碰碰湖 小姐来个乱乱湖

爸爸变疯掉 瞪着小姐。。 忽然间。。。。。。


吵一吵 吵了吵

到我“动 buey diao”


End.... 艺名: 小洪

Oh my. I actually managed to came up with such shit last time. Unbelieveable~!!

How time flys~

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